понедельник, 14 декабря 2015 г.

Mini test 1

       task 1 
     А)A   1
     Б)B    3
     В)C    5
     Г)D    2
А)A   5
Б)B    3
В)C   2
Г)D   6
Д)E   4
Nick is in a medical clinic because he has a problem with
1) his teeth.
2) his stomach.
3) his eyes.
       Nick’s favourite food is
.      2)salads.
.      3)potatoes.  
                        Задание  A3
Nick has
1)a brother.
2)a sister.
3)a brother and a sister.
The most difficult school subject for Nick is
In the future Nick wants to be
1)a teacher.
2)a programmer.
3)a doctor.
As for sports, Nick prefers
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–G и заголовками 1–8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
Good for everyone
Easy to care for
Part of culture
Screen fashion

An innovative idea
Working clothes
Jeans’ labels
Clothes to protest
Jeans are one of fashion's most long enduring trends. Cowboys wear them but so do supermodels, farmers, presidents and housewives. Ask any group of people why they wear jeans and you will get a range of answers. For some they're comfortable and easy – for others they're trendy and cool. Jeans mean different things to different people but they are popular everywhere. 
Americans do not have a national folk dress with a long tradition. Blue jeans are probably the most recognizable article of American clothing. They have been part of American life for over 125 years. Blue denim jeans became not only an expression of American fashion but also an element of American identity known around the world.
Jeans were first designed as trousers for farmers and miners in the states of the American West. They quickly grew popular with common people, including cowboys, factory employees and railroad builders. The new trousers were made from a very strong material which did not wear out easily. However, at the same time jeans were very practical and comfortable to wear.
Pockets were the weak point of the miners' clothes – they easily tore away from the jeans. A man called Jacob Davis had the idea of using metal rivets (fasteners) to hold the pockets and the jeans together so that they wouldn't tear. Davis wanted to patent his idea, but he didn't have enough money, so he offered Levi Strauss a deal if Strauss paid for the patent. Strauss accepted and started making jeans.
By the middle of the twentieth century, these heavy cotton trousers were a symbol of opposition for young artists and writers. College students started to wear them to show they were against the Vietnam War. The new trousers were banned in American schools from coast to coast and sometimes in theatres and cinemas.
Jeans are good because they don't show the dirt. You can easily go a month without washing them and they don't look shocking. They don't need to be washed as often as other trousers and you don't need to iron them. What's more, because of the strong material you can wear your favorite jeans for years. Even the occasional hole or spot doesn’t spoil them at all.
In the 30s and 40s many people began to spend their spare time watching movies where adventurous cowboys rode horses, fought bad guys and wore blue jeans. The actors made jeans popular in movies and everyone wanted to wear them. Young people wished to imitate the casual “cowboyish” look they saw in films, and they began to wear jeans as casual wear.

понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.

Opinion essay. It should be mandatory for all young people in the future.

  Nowadays , we have lots of problems with our enviroment . Someone cares about it , but most people doesnt. But we are all living there , and need to care about our house. One of the decisions is to make volunteering mandatory , especially for young people , because lots of them cares just about themeselves .
   I think , it is very good idea , because most of youn people have no jobs , so they have time and energy . For example , schools and universities can make some events instead lessons . Sometimes , for example , we have the subbotnik. But it is too rarely , just one time in a year , and not so organised. Moreover , schools just making up their own yards . So , we need to attract volunteering organisations to make subbotniks regular , often and organised . People can collect and recycle rubbish , plant trees or something else .
  On the other hand , we have some problems . The thing is , that most of young people dont want to work for free and to spend their freetime . It is very important , because young people are very stuppborn . The dicision is that schools and universities should make some lections about enviromental disasters to give people understand , for what are they working .
  So , it can be argued. We can make some promotions . For example , Students , who is volunteering , can get good marks , can be free from some lessons or just get some money .
  As a result , if  we will have good organisation , motivation  and be union , we will make our cities cleaner , greener and more friendly . 

понедельник, 30 ноября 2015 г.

Letter of complain

Dear Sir/Madam
 Im writing to complain about a shoes , ordred I placed through your website www.greatshopping.com on 15th of November .Unfortunanetely , I experienced a number of problems with the product , as detailed below. 
 I ordred an Adidas Springblade 2 running shoes and , despite the promise that I could recive the shoes within 10 days . They didnt arrived until 30 of november , 5 days later . Moreover , it is wrong color and wrong logo with writing "Abibas" . Futhermore , the product discription on your site stated that it is made from very durable plastic . However , they became broken after hour of walking . 
  I would appreciate if you could replace my Springblade 2 for normal shoes with right color and right logo . In addition , I feel I deserve an explanation for the delay . I am sending item back with my letter . 
 I look forvard to you prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Denis Nikitin .

суббота, 28 ноября 2015 г.

Consumer society topic.

   Consumer society is a very wide topic about byers and sellers . Consumer society it is a society of all customers , byers and clients , which are interacting with each other around the world . It is shopping , selling , great bargains and tricks.
   First, i want to tell you about future technologies of fabricating and consuming .
   Products of the future.
   Lets think about a normal day. What do you usually wear? What technology do you use? What’s your house like? Now let’s see what everyday life will be like in the future .
What we will be wearing in the future ? While some scientists are developing testiles that allow the wearer to generate electricity as their walk and others are wolking on clothes that monitoring your fitness , Dr manel Torres and prof Paul Lucham have ivited a spray on fabric .These spray contains minute cotton , wool , linen or acrylic fibres that dry instantly on your skin and turn into t-shirt. You can wash it and wear it again , like a simpe t-shirt .When you get bored , you can dissolve it and make something new . It is great technology , because we can wear something new every day , dontneed sizes and will have no old things . Always , Dr.Torres looking on soray on bandages and furniture covering .
  3D printing .Wouldnt it be great , if you could just think about something you want to prin it on a pc . Whell , you can. For the first time , scientist printed a fully working machines with no assembly required . It was bicycle , called the Airbike . It is as strong as aluminium , but much lighter .  Medical researches is working on a printing body parts .
House of the future . As you arrive home with the shopping, Grace tells you who phoned while you were out. You put your groceries down on the kitchen counter and she gives you recipe ideas, tells you how to cook them , and gives you dietary advice. As you move into the living room she organises your evening entertainment. A window made ofsmart glass becomes a TV, wallpaper changes on demand and every surface doubles as a touch screen with instant Internet access. But Grace isn ’t am ember of the family, at least not yet. She’s a network of voice activated computers that runs the e-home - the house of the future. It was made by Microsoft for demostratin technologies. So , soon we will be talking with walls !
  Wertical farm. Stories o f The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, tell of a structure with lush green gardens on different levels many metres high. These are long gone, but as our modern consumer society continues to drain the world of its resources, the population rises and food prices soar, a modern-day equivalent may soon be springing up in your neighbourhood!According to the statistics , population of our planet will rise to over 9 billions in 2050. We will be need extra farmin place . So there are great idea , how to solve these problem . Lets make farms in high . These idea is very simple .  Just as an apartment block has different storeys, a vertical farm will have many different floors growing a variety of fruit and vegetables.The walls will be made of glass to allow in sunlight and instead of soil, the produce will be grown in a solution of nutrients and water. These building will get energy from sun and wind power . Just one 30 storey building can feed 10 000 people .
   Now , we can a little bit better imagine our future life with all goods and problems. Now lets talk about our present life .
Made in USA.
Who doesn’t wear jeans, drink cola and eat potato chips? Almost everyone does! But have you ever wondered what the stories are behind these products?
    Jeans . The story of jeans goes back to the 19th century when sailors from Genoa, Italy, wore durable cotton and wool denim trousers. Then, in 1853, 24-year-old Levi Strauss travelled to San Francisco from Germany and decided to design trousers for manual workers from this m aterial. They were a big hit, and by the 1950s jeans had become very popular w ith a whole generation of young people. At first, many places such as theatres and restaurants banned them. Nowadays, jeans are a staple item of clothing in everyone’s wardrobe.
   Potato chips. In 1853, George Crum was working as a chef at a restaurant in New York. One day, a customer sent Crum’s French fries back to the kitchen, saying they were too thick. Crum got very angry and decided to take revenge on the fussy diner; he made a new batch o f fries so thin and crispy that the customer couldn’t eat them w ith a fork! To George’s surprise, the guest was thrilled w ith them and other diners began asking fo r them , too. Fastforw ard to the 21st century and, in the US alone, sales of potato chips amount to over $6 billion per year.
  Coca-cola. John Pemberton, a pharm acist from Georgia, invented the original Coca-Cola formula in a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard! The soft drink was first sold as a medicine in a chemist’s on 8th May, 1886. Dr Pemberton sold about 9 servings each day. He made about $50 in the firs t year, but unfortunately it cost him about $70 to make the cola! In 1887, a businessman bought the formula and by 1900 sales had risen by over 4000%. Coca-Cola remains the most famous soft drink in the world, but its exact ingredients are still a trade secret! One more interesting fact, is that first coca cola was including cocaine . It was an antidepressant . But some time later , cocaine became forbidden and excluded from coca cola .
   Not all of my information are just interesting . There are some usefull information . It is about trics of the trade . Why is your basket overflowing by the time you get to the checkout? Well, the answer lies in the tricks supermarkets use to make you spend more. As you walk into the supermarket, the delicious smell of freshly-baked bread hits you and you im m ediately start feeling hungry. Then, right by the entrance, you see beautiful displays o f fresh and colourful produce, making you feel even hungrier. This is all intentional, because every supermarket knows that hungry customers buy more fru it and vegetables.
   Who can resist a 'buy one get one free’ deal? Yet, with around one third of the food the world produces going to waste, is that second chocolate cheesecake really necessary? In the same way, '3 for £6 ’ might sound like a great bargain, but always check how much an item costs individually. You might not be saving very much at all and you’ll have two extra items that you don't really need.
   Supermarkets know that customers tend to choose products that are at eye level, so the items on the m iddle shelves are usually the most expensive ones. Cheaper brands are on high shelves that are hard to reach. So, remember to give your neck a w orkout and check out what's on the top shelves.
   Don’t expect supermarkets to use packaging strategies that make it easy to work out which goods are the cheapest either. It may be easier to grab some prepackaged apples, but they're also a lot more expensive than loose ones.
   All of these trics are realy sneaky , but there are way , how to resist it . Just think , which things are you realy need  and will you use it for all 100%
   So , be be careful with wasting money , products and time . Communicate with anothers consumers and you will get just qualty things for good price .
  Расскажу я все это , естественно , не в слово в слово , а еще более просто по мере возможности .


понедельник, 16 ноября 2015 г.

Picture discription

Picture discription 
In these picture we can see students and  teacher in the class . I see Tanya , Sasha and Nastya .They are my classmates. Girls have lesson in Ephiphany school now . I think , it is art class , because there are  crayons and sheets of paper on the table . Moreover , teacher  wears  white uniform . It is soiled by paints. I think , teacher explaining something to girls . They are listening and asking quastions . Girls are interested . Another students doing something on tablets and laptops . I think , they are drawing too . Girls will start working after teachers explaining . I think , they will make something unusual and interesting . I think , these teacher is wery skilled . She is an artist . These lesson is very interesting and gives students to output their emotions .

понедельник, 26 октября 2015 г.


1.Where is your city situated ?
2.What is the sumbol of your city ?
3.What is your city population ?
4.What climat and weather are there in your city ?
5.Are there any factories in your city ?
6.How many members are there in your family ?
7.Does someone live separetly ?
8.Do you have any brothers or sisters in your family  ?
9.Does someone of your family live in another town ?
10.What do you usually eat ?
11.Do teenagers have bad habits?(in most )
12.What music do your host brother/sister listen to ?
13.Are there lots of rude people ?
14.Do teenagers free enough ?
15.What is the level of grades in your hosts class ?
16. How are you ?
17.What is the situation in country generally ?
18.What do your hosts think about Russians?
19.Do you like the exchange ?
20.Do you have any problems with understanding ?

понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

Armstrong and Gagarin

Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American(Y.G.- Russian) astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon(Y.G.-1st in space). He was also an aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot(Y.G.-test pilot), and university professor. Before becoming an astronaut, Armstrong was an officer(Y.G.-too) in the U.S. Navy and served in the Korean War. After the war, he earned his bachelor's degree at Purdue University and served as a test pilot at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) High-Speed Flight Station, where he logged over 900 flights. He later completed graduate studies at the University of Southern California.
A participant in the U.S. Air Force's Man in Space Soonest and X-20 Dyna-Soar human spaceflight programs, Armstrong joined theNASA Astronaut Corps in 1962(Y.G.- flew in 12th april 1961). He made his first space flight as command pilot of Gemini 8(Y.G.-Vostok-1) in March 1966(Y.G.-in1961), becoming NASA's first civilian astronaut to fly in space(Y.G.- opened the doors to space travels). He performed the first docking of two spacecraft, with pilot David Scott.[1] This mission was aborted after Armstrong used some of his re-entry control fuel to stop a dangerous spin caused by a stuck thruster, in the first in-flight space emergency.
Armstrong's second and last spaceflight was as commander of Apollo 11, the first manned Moon landing mission in July 1969. Armstrong and Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin descended to the lunar surface and spent two and a half hours(Y.G.-108min in space) outside the spacecraft, while Michael Collins remained in lunar orbit in the Command/Service Module. Along with Collins and Aldrin, Armstrong was awarded(Y.G.- was congratulated by Nikita Khruschev) the Presidential Medal of Freedom(Y.G.-National hero) by President Richard Nixon. President Jimmy Carter presented Armstrong the Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978(Y.G.-Hero of Soviet Union). Armstrong and his former crewmates received the Congressional Gold Medal in 2009.

понедельник, 5 октября 2015 г.

Breaking news

   I want to tell you about breaking news .
   There are 6 types of breaking news. It is culture , world situation , crimes , tech , famous people , nature disasters and man - made disasters. 
   Cultural news always about poetry , artistry or archeology . That news are not so loudly and breaking . Most of people just don't think about it . 
   News about world situation . Now , it is the most important news for people . It is politics and military situation . Most of that news are very reworked . They can be exaggerated or keep in silence . So , people don't know , is that hews true or false . Even more , political leaders can control us very well by using mass media .
   Crime news are interesting for locals . For example , people of Chelyabinsk will be interested about a crew of thievs , because that information can help them to not to be burgled . 
    Tech news , in most, are interesting for all people , because their well-being are closly connected with science , medecine and gadgets . Moreover , most of news channel have thy own heading about gadgets . 
    Famouse people news , for me , are not so interesting . But if you are interested about live os any star , that news can be interesting for you . But , unfourtunaently , lots of that news are false and they just making that people more famouse .
    News about disasters , i think , 2nd most breakig after world situation . Because thousands of people gets injuried , homeless or die every year . 


понедельник, 28 сентября 2015 г.

An amazing rescue story

    At 3rd of november , 1980 year , 6 people on a yacht started sail from Miami to Bermuda , across the Bermuda triangle . So , they was a students from meteological istitute . They fas decided to explore , why Bermudian trangle is killing people . So , it was just a company of friends , with some science gear and not registred illegal boat. 
    Alan Lake , Joe Coffe , Elza Zinger , Mary Jane , Paul Oak and Elizabeth Norton reached the border of trangle after 5 hours of sail . They was wery nervouse , but nobody happend . Testimony of all devices was ok , the weather was good and sun was shining . After some time , mood of our team became better . They just had rest ,  swim and sunbathe 


понедельник, 14 сентября 2015 г.

A freelance job:is it worth doing it.

   Now , freelance is a very popular type of employment . There are lots of advantages and disadvantages . Some people think , that it is too dangerouse  , but some people think , that it is much better than permanent job . Now , lets think over , who is freelancer and is it worth to do it.
   Freelancer has no permanent job. Employer is finding freelancer and giving  him an order with exact time frames . 
   So , first advantage of freelance is absence of work graphic . You can work when you want. For example , you can make your work in morning an be free for all day. You can combine learning and working. One of the mainest advantage , is that your hobby can be your work . For exampe , if you like videomaking , you can make videos by order . If you like to write articles , you can write articles , for example , for magazins or web pages. 
   In sum , we can see , that freelance is great way to earn money and work for pleasure . But just if you dont scare of sometimes less of money . Moreover, it is great way of part time work or second work .

понедельник, 7 сентября 2015 г.

my summer holidays . Expressing opinion

    Some people claim , that hiking tours are interesting and useful for health while other argue that they are difficult , tiring and can be dangerouse . I think , that hiking is great idea how you can spend your holidays. It is realy very interesting , useful and not so expensive. Now I would like to express my point of view on tre problem of hiking tours.
    Some people argue , that hiking is great . To begin with , Hiking is great way to improve or chek your health. Hiking it is long pedestrian trekking. Muscles of your legs is working better , that in gum or simpe walking. Especially if you have heavy backpack. The same way , your back are working. For exampe , I had some hiking , and my legs became stronger . Now I can ride on bicycle more faster and for londer distation , than two years ago. Another plus of hiking , it is clean air and water . Your lungs will became cleaner . Toxins will go out of your body . Especially if you treking for long time (5 or more days) or in mountains . For exampe , I was have some cough  , but after hiking tour it less . One more plus , is that you can see lots of hidden places , true nature and silence.
    In the other hand , there is some minuses of hiking . Firstly , sometimes it can be dangerouse. Because of wild animals , weather (especially for mountains) , not enough knowlege of terrain. If weather will change so fast , you can get hypotermia , after that ill or even die . For example , in one of my hiking tours , storm started and I became ill.
     So in most part , sucessful of hiking depends of you and your group . You just need to have some knowledge and be carefull. Hiking is not expensive and great way to spend your holidays .
    если нужно могу дополнить. Сразу не раскрыл из за нехватки времени вечером.

понедельник, 25 мая 2015 г.

reasons for studying . for and against essay

   Have you ever muse about your studying in school ?For what do you studying ?May be , you dont need to. Now , lets think about it. Here is some advantages and disatvantages of studying .
   First advantage.Nowadays , it is very difficult to find job without education . May be , school knowledges are not so usefull , but , you need atestation .In additional ,  it is necessary for institute. Formally , if you have no atestation , you have no education.
   Secondly , school is good social harding. After that , it will be easier to communicate with people . It is very important . Moreover , in school you can find friends. May be , some them fill go with you throw the all life . One more thing , is that you will see the types of people . It is very usefull .
    First disatvantage. 

пятница, 22 мая 2015 г.

ESL for all

   Nowadays , English is international language . It is taught in lots of schools and universities as second language. Moreover, there are lots of English clubs. Lets think over advantages  and  disatvanges of English as second language.

четверг, 21 мая 2015 г.

For and against essay. fast food

      Now, a problem of fast food is a world problem. Fast food restaurants are situated in every country. The most popular of them are McDonald’s, Burger King’s, KFC restaurants. There are many debates about the pluses and minuses of fast food. But what advantages and disadvantages does fast food have?      

среда, 20 мая 2015 г.

Formal letter

Dear Sir/Madam
   Im writing to complain about the quality of jeans , which i got byed in your shop.
   At first , a bag was opened.
   At second , my jeans was dirty . It was lots of dust and someones hairs . It is awfull !
   I hope you will replace my jeans and something like that will no happen one more time.
Yours faithfully,
Denis Nikitin

пятница, 15 мая 2015 г.

Crime and community

      Crime is a great problem of commyunity . It is dangerous for all of us . You can suffer from crime everywhere and everywhen .
      Now i will tell you about crime and how to not come to harm. 
If you live in big city or come to public place , you should avoid picpocketing . You shold place your phone .......

понедельник, 20 апреля 2015 г.

Life experience

  Life experience is experience , which you collecting all life long . During your life , you getting problems and solving them .If you solved one problem before , you will solve it one more time easy.
You know lots of situations and you know ,how to behave yourselfe. Sometimes , you can forsee the furure. Life experience is a knowlige.

понедельник, 13 апреля 2015 г.

About youth exchanges

      My impression about American students  .First , when they came to us , they told us about themeselves . It was ordinary teenagers in years from 12 to 18 . My first impression about them was good ! I was wery interested about them . After that , I have seen them some times . At last day of their  exchange , they came at our lesson of literature . They were interested about it .

понедельник, 6 апреля 2015 г.

task 7

ann ying , b d hab ts , cultur l difficulti s , pr blems w th neighb urs , l fe ch nges , g t a prom tion , g t marr ed , g t fir d , g t div rced , ret re , od ur , g ssip , t lk in the c nema , t ke th ngs with ut ask ng .

пятница, 3 апреля 2015 г.

task 6

1Do you speak  at the cinema , when you with your friends ?
2Do you chat by using mobile phones in the cinema ?
3How often do you lost you templer?
4Have you suffered from peoples bad habits ?
5What table maners have you got ?
6What gets on your nerves ?
7Have you ever seen difficult customers like that ?
8Do you travel on public transport ?
9Have your ever see people with terrible body odour ?
10What do you think abot them ?

понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

Australia and Russia

Australia and Russsia are wery different country . Here is some differences.
   First one is climate . In Russia climate is seasonal. There is hot summer and cold winter. InaAustralia there are no seasons and climate is hot and dry. But in some places in Russia summer is like Russian. Next difference is people . In Russia there are much more people , than in Australia . Austarlia is smaller. In Australia  there is lots of red ground . In russia there are lots types of ground including red . Australia and Russia are mining countries. 
   It was some information about Russia an Australia.

пятница, 20 февраля 2015 г.

Day with my dad

     Hi. My name is Denis and i want to tell you about my day with dad.
     My dad is very funny and kind. I like talking with them . He spending lots of time at work , but he spending weekends with us. That one of the reasons why i like weekends.
     If we spend one day together , it would be very crazy and funny day . First , we would  get up at 7 o clock in tent near the lake , in which we were fishing for previouse day . We would have a breakfast which included butterbreads , tea , and yesterday fish. After that , we would pack our tent and other things and drive to the city. We would listen to music in road. When we get home , we would have a normal breakfast and go to the racing track. We would rent two sportrcars and ride up to dinner. After that we could go to the steak restaraunt and have great dinner. After dinner we would go home and have a rest a little bit. Just watch tv , play game console and talk. After that we would pick up my and my fathers friends and go to the skiing resort. We would have skiing and after that go to the sauna.
   That day shoul be great !

понедельник, 16 февраля 2015 г.

Task 5

1.Do you like active rest?
2.Which acive sport or rest do you like ?
3.What do you think about  bird watching?
4.Do you know you local nature reserves?
5.Which do you know?

понедельник, 2 февраля 2015 г.

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is mountain skiing . I started doing it about 2 seasons ago . Me and my school was at "snow mix " .  It was a lesson of skies . Instructor teached us how to skiing . It was very exciting and interesting . After that , I understude for shure , that I like it.

понедельник, 26 января 2015 г.

task 4

part  1

Fuels fossil burning
May become animals enxtinct
Melt ice rise caps sea leves
Great wildlife danger in
Cities under the sea

part 2

haet up

понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.

Underwater course riding

   underwater course riding it is water sport , when rider  swimming in course in ocean or sea.I think , these strange sport is good for enthusiastic young people .
Rider have diving suite , special fin on back (like shark) and main part of suite , underwater kite , so sail on course . for win or to sail good , you should keep in course and swim along it.