воскресенье, 30 октября 2016 г.


   There is a common opinion , that gouverment should spend more money for schools sport equipment . Lets look throw all of the opinions and explore , which one is right .
   Firstly , the thing is that Russian schools desnt equiped fine . Thay probably have got enought sport equipment , but most of these are really old . These is just because most of russian schools are old. They were made in Soviet Union. Thats why we schools should organise  collecting money in schools  to buy a new equipment .
   On another hand we have another opinion . It mean , that collecting money in schools is wrong .......

четверг, 27 октября 2016 г.

opinion essay . Exotic pets .

   As you know , there is some fans of exotical pets in our community.  Some of us just love them , but some keep it just like decoration . It is a real problem . Thats why , there is an opinion , that all exotic pets should be banned . Lets explore all of opinions about that.
   The thing is , that some of us , especially rich girls , keep unusual or exotic pets as a decoration . They are just cute and nice . This position mean , that your animal is just a thing , like chair , for example . It mean , that you probably dont love it . In most ways , it mean , that  your pet struggle of less of love or you just forget about it. In most , people cant love crocodile , for example , buit they think , that it is so cool to have a crocodile in a pound in your backyard .
   On another hand , we have another opinion . Banning exotical pets is against people freedom (but protect pets laws) . For example , I realy love crocodiles. Democracy mean respecting laws of all the people . So , banning exotical pets is agains of democracy .
   At third , there is a problem . It mean , that some of exotical pets are dangerouse. For example , crocodiles or snakes . So , it is just too difficult and dangerouse to keep them for you and your neibours.

вторник, 18 октября 2016 г.

opinion essay (to be continued)

   Extreme sports are very popular . Lots and lots of people enjoy it , moreover , it is a meaning of life fo some people . But some people think , that extreme sports are too dangerouse and shold be banned . Lets explore advantages and disadvantages of extreme sports and all of the opinions .
   Firstly , there is an opinion , that mean , that extreme sports are great . So the thing is that extreme sports are sports at first . As we know , sports improve our soul and body . When you do any spotrs , you imroving your power , endurance and skills . Often , if you want to get a result in sport , you should fight with your weakness and scares . You are strongly improve your strenght of will . Im shure , that you have seen an olympic champions . They are one of the strongest people in our world , as mental as physical. It is because of professional sport .
   Secondly , there is an opinion , that mean , that extreme sports are too dangerouse and should be banned . As we know , extreme sports can be dangerouse sometimes . So , the thing is that sport shoul bring hapiness , not danger and scare . Thats why it shoul be banned.
   In conclusion I can say , that i m opposite of banning extreme sports . may be , it is because that I am a great fan of them . The thing is , that if you are scared of it , just dont do it . Please, dont prevent it for me and people who want .

четверг, 13 октября 2016 г.

1st module topic. Modern alternative food recources .

   Nowadays , there is about 7 billions people on our planet . It is qute huge amount . Some of them are poor , some of them are rich , but it doesnt matter , because everyone want to eat . But , unfortunantly  food is not unlimited . It is so difficult to feed all the planet , put there are some ways of solving these problem . 
   One of them if freeganism . So , freeganism is a cimbination of words "free" and "vegan" . These people find an alternative way to meet they everyday needs . So , lots and lots of food and another usefull items are just buried all over the world. Huge part of these are edible . Searching food in rubbish bins sounds disgusting  , and there is a possibility of  food poisoning . So , just how easy is to live like that ?Reporter met up with two london freegans , Ash Falkingham and Ross Parry , for a crash course .So ,  the thing is that they found too enought things to eat in one supermarkets bin . There was nothing wrong with them . They were buried just because of sell by date . To conclude , the head idea of freeganism is not to waste more than you need and not to support globalization . 
   One more way of feeding sounds more disgusting . What do you think about eating insects ? So , these idea isnt new , it is a part of traditional kitchen in some countries . Amazingly , we eat half a kilo of insect each ear with food. By law chocolate can have up to 60 insects parts in it per 100 gramms. Tomato sauce can contain up to 30 fly eggs per 100 gramm. You will probably think twice before tucking into your next bar of chocolate . By the way , insects dont taste terrible . For example , fried crickets have a pleasant nutty taste . Moreover , insects are more healthy than meat . It contain less fat and more protein . So , it seems that insects can beoma a common food in near years . 

вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

                                                                                                                          12th October 2016
   Dear Ben ,
   Thank's a lot for your letter. Sorry I havent recived earlier but I was really busy with my school.
   Well , I'm happy that you moved into new house .
    In your last letter you asked me some quastions about my friends and school . Now im going to answer them. So , my favourite thing is my school is teachers . Because they are  really crazy about their job. It is amazing to work with  them. So, in my school I got lots of friends  , just because I spends so much time here. In free time I usually walk with them or just hang out.
   By the way , did you find any new friends in your new school ? How your new house look like ? Do you already moved all of your items ?
   Now I have to go
   Please write back
   Best wishes , Denis.