вторник, 31 января 2017 г.

p.103 ex 4

   Hello , Thomas. Im really interested about your dad's business . What is it ? 
   I wish I can start my own business , but now I am too busy at school .  I really want , but I cant . I have to do it later . 
   One of the business that I probably will start is eco tourism company . It is not build on internet , but internet is a huge part of that . So , it is impossible without internet .As you now , I live in Ural . It is one of the best places for any types of eco tourism , hiking , skiing and rafting in Russia.
   These business would give me a great pleasure , becouse I am crazy about any types of eco tourism and active leisure . It is able to give me lots of money , but it need a few time to grow  .
   best wishes ,


2.вт- SB-ms.Muse
4.чт-ms Muse course
5.пт- SB- ОЮ
решение  софтина - напоминалка , гугл календарь 

вторник, 24 января 2017 г.

Story ex8

   Few years ago I was in Columbia University in New York as a technician of laboratory . It was just an ordinary day , but scientist were a little bit nervous . I really didnt care about it . I started to worry just in the end of the day . That was too late.
   When all scientist were preparing to go home in the evening , I was doing my routine job - just cleaning all laboratory stuff. Suddenly , my door was opened by the youngest scientist , Jim . His eyes was burning and he was looks like crazy . I asked him , what happend , but he didnt said me anything except "You have to go with me " I dont know why , but I gone ...
   Jim was driving silently , and when we got to his house , he started speaking normally. The thing is , that these group of scientist was working on the project " nanobots" . They were on a the final step , but they were need a test on humans body . It was prohibited by law. He stolen an injection with nanobots , which were programmed to find the cells of cancer and destroy him. He suggested to me to be his guinea pig for these test . He said , that injecting a cancer cells is dangerous because they cant be sure about nanobots. He promissed me money in cause of succes . It was risky , but I knew i wanted to try it . And I agreed .
  He injected me a cells of cancer and an army of nanobots and allowed me to go home . On the next day I came to his house for scanning . Fourtunaetly , he didnt found any cells of cancer .
   We were the happiest people at these moment . he gave me money and his huge thanks . He said about these test in science community and shared the results . After some time he got to the prison , but he saved a thousands and thousands of lives by his freedom.  

четверг, 19 января 2017 г.


   Do you ever think about future ? As for me , I am . Lots and lots of phantastic goods will become common in future . For exampe , new type of food . 
   We know , that population of our world is growing and growing . Faster and faster every year . All of people , of course , need food . Cheap and high quality. Just imagine : you are at restaurant and there is a phantastic aroma coming from the kitchen . Then waiter bring you a huge platter of fried tarantulas and a bowl of grasshopper taco. This may hear disgusting , but some food scientist are hoping , that insects will become a common sight at our dinner tables in the future . This idea isnt new . Lots of Asian national kitchens include that . The thing is , that insects include less fat and more protein than meat. As for me , I tried grasshoppers , and i can say , that the taste is weird , but great. 
   But what if you are tired of the taste of insects ? If you want to taste something more , but already full , there is a way for you. Three - course chewing gum . Dave Hart thinks that soon he will have cracked the secret to turning this weird invention into a reality and creating a  three - course meal flavour chewing gum . Hart's invention will use nanotechnology to replecate a starter , a main course and a desert in that order . So , there is mechsnism , but it could be some time before the gum created.
   It is awesome , how that simple thing , as food , could turn in future . I hope , that it could make us healthier and happier .