понедельник, 20 октября 2014 г.

task 2

Hello! Mai name is Sveta. ant I wont to tell yoy aboyt mai sammer vacations. I spend mai sammer vocations a lot of fan. I spend 2 mouth in camp. June and Aygust. zen camp,and in ze end of ze summer. I went for 10 days to America. this 10 days, were veryy bright. I traveled on the liner, and visit 4 places. I visit Jamaica, Kaiman Isands, Kosumel, and Bahamas. I learnet a lot about ze cylture and histjry of zese places. zen we returnet the sity of Majami. We loket this sity, and vizited 

sity Majami Beach. Avter we returnet at home. zis  sammer I rememper mozt!

correct all the mistakes

понедельник, 13 октября 2014 г.


       There are lots jobs in the world . You have very big chorse . If people can find job , which can be pleasure , these people will be succesfull along all life.
      If you are very communicative , you should chorse jobs like shop assistant, flight attendant , sport coach or taxi driver. If you like communicating , thats jobs for you.

понедельник, 6 октября 2014 г.

task 1

to.gh, j.b, b.at , el.te , ri.k , rem.te ar.as , br.vely, parachu.e , put .ut , .uty , traini.g , f.t, f.re zon. , pad.ed, face ma.k , hel.et , back.ack , dr.p, fas.inaded , str.nge obje.t, pla.et, met.or, mil.tary pl.ne, curi.use, explanati.n, invol.e , mo.tly, i.vestigate, sight.ng, intervi.w wit.ess, ana.yse , hotsp.t, rooft.p, hi.lside, recor. inform.tion, cam.order, tele.cope , de.ice, take .p , en.husiastic, pati.nt, fin. out , sp.t,