воскресенье, 5 марта 2017 г.

Revew of the film "Drive"

   The "Drive " is an amazing thriller with a love story . It is the story about a real man .  It set in neon- glowing LA .
   Nameless driver , Ryan Hosling, who work as an automechanic and a stuntman in movie studio , has a second face . Under the cover of night he turn into a burglar's driver . He works anonymouse and never work twice with the same squad . He newer kills . He is just very tallented driver .  Once , he felt in love with his neibour , Ayrin . After some time , her husband come from prison . He has a huge dept . Next it is action , love and the driver , who is a real hero .
   These story has a secial atmosphere . Actually , it is created by the character of the driver . Retro-wave soundtracs are cool.

lettter 2

                                                                                                                                     Russia ,
   Hello , Mike .
   It is really sad that you were punished . I hope you will your problems with late coming. By the way , why are you late ?
   Yes . Some of the students are often come late to school . In most , it is no more than 10-15 min. They are late by different reasons . It can be bad traffic , long waiting for a bus or they simply turned off their alarm clock. By the way , These month I come late several times too . It is because some problems with my phone's charging port .
   Actually , there is no punishment for late comers in my school , but  their parents get sms that their child is late.  I think , in case of someone will be late too much times , he would be punished .
   Now I have to go to school .
   Best wishes,


                                                                                                                                           Russia ,                                                                                                                                                      Chelyabinsk
   Hello , Igor.
   I'm really happy that you moved . Dont worry about making new friends . You are cool , It is easy for you . just be yourself!
   By the way , it takes just 10 minutes to get to my school . It is so close to my house . I wear school uniform in most . In our school it is dark jeans or pants and a shirt . Sometimes I wear t-shirt . For p.e. we have t-shirts with print "7 keys" . I wear that sometimes , but i prefer syntetic t-shirt or longsleeve.
   To be honest , my school friends are nearly my one friends . Because I spend all my time in school. Sometimes we just hanging out or walking . We often do sports together . We are skiing or snowboarding together , cycling or something else .
   I'm sorry I have to go .
   Best wishes ,