понедельник, 24 ноября 2014 г.

My favourite music group

Hi! I want to tell you about my favourite music group. It is AC/DC.
AC/DC is a rock group which playing heavy metal , hard rock and rock n roll.
It was created  in Sidney in 1973 by two brothers from  Scotland. Malcolm Yang and Agnus Yang.
participants are Agnus Yang , Phill Rad, Cliff Uiliams, Brain Jonson, Stewe Yang .
was participants are Dave Evens, Larry ven Kridt, Kollin Berdjess, Nil Smitt , Ron Karpenter , Rassel Koulman, Noel Teilo, Peter Klak  , Rob Baily , Bon Skot , Mark Evens , Simon Right , Chris Slayd and Malkolm Yang.