понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.

Opinion essay. It should be mandatory for all young people in the future.

  Nowadays , we have lots of problems with our enviroment . Someone cares about it , but most people doesnt. But we are all living there , and need to care about our house. One of the decisions is to make volunteering mandatory , especially for young people , because lots of them cares just about themeselves .
   I think , it is very good idea , because most of youn people have no jobs , so they have time and energy . For example , schools and universities can make some events instead lessons . Sometimes , for example , we have the subbotnik. But it is too rarely , just one time in a year , and not so organised. Moreover , schools just making up their own yards . So , we need to attract volunteering organisations to make subbotniks regular , often and organised . People can collect and recycle rubbish , plant trees or something else .
  On the other hand , we have some problems . The thing is , that most of young people dont want to work for free and to spend their freetime . It is very important , because young people are very stuppborn . The dicision is that schools and universities should make some lections about enviromental disasters to give people understand , for what are they working .
  So , it can be argued. We can make some promotions . For example , Students , who is volunteering , can get good marks , can be free from some lessons or just get some money .
  As a result , if  we will have good organisation , motivation  and be union , we will make our cities cleaner , greener and more friendly . 

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