понедельник, 5 октября 2015 г.

Breaking news

   I want to tell you about breaking news .
   There are 6 types of breaking news. It is culture , world situation , crimes , tech , famous people , nature disasters and man - made disasters. 
   Cultural news always about poetry , artistry or archeology . That news are not so loudly and breaking . Most of people just don't think about it . 
   News about world situation . Now , it is the most important news for people . It is politics and military situation . Most of that news are very reworked . They can be exaggerated or keep in silence . So , people don't know , is that hews true or false . Even more , political leaders can control us very well by using mass media .
   Crime news are interesting for locals . For example , people of Chelyabinsk will be interested about a crew of thievs , because that information can help them to not to be burgled . 
    Tech news , in most, are interesting for all people , because their well-being are closly connected with science , medecine and gadgets . Moreover , most of news channel have thy own heading about gadgets . 
    Famouse people news , for me , are not so interesting . But if you are interested about live os any star , that news can be interesting for you . But , unfourtunaently , lots of that news are false and they just making that people more famouse .
    News about disasters , i think , 2nd most breakig after world situation . Because thousands of people gets injuried , homeless or die every year . 


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