среда, 21 декабря 2016 г.

task 3 correction

   Now im going to tell you about a healthy lifestyle . As you know , it is very popular nowadays . It is because our life is quite difficult and exhuasting . Because of work , learning and totally hard rythm of life .
   As for me , I found some ways how to keep my menthal and emotional health fine .
  At first , I do sports . It is gym , cycling and skiing . It help me as physically sa mentaly .
  At second , I dont care about problems too much .
  Moreover , there sre lots ansd lots of alternative ways. For exampe , meditation or giggling .
  Thats all abouth mental health 

вторник, 13 декабря 2016 г.

Informal letter

                                                                                                                               Russia , Chelyabinsk

 Hi Mike !  DVD night is a great idea . So , I want to recommend you a film . The name of these film is "Interstellar" . The type of these film is fantasy . There are lots of cool actors in it .Like Ivan Petrov , Vladimir Putin , Petr Sidorov and others . They made this film amazing with their play . They are really high-talanted professionals . So , the main plot is about apocalypsys. There is a dust blizzards on Earth ,thats why people cant grove enought food . So , once , a farmer , who was an astronaut ,  found an abandoned  military base . He became a part of an earth-save mission and after some time he leaved an Earth with a group of scientist for searching a new planet . The next part of the plot is quite difficult , but really interesting . You need to think a bit . I cant forget about a soundtracks in these film . They are created by Hans Zimmer . I think , that you know about him . These soundracks are amazing . Great pictures and sounds made the atmosphere of these film great .Thats why I love it
   I wish you will have a great DVD night

Your ,

вторник, 6 декабря 2016 г.

circus job : is it good way to earn money or just entertaiment

   Do you ever think about work in circus ? So , as for all jobs , the question of money does matter.Lets explore that .
   The main thing , that circus job is a vocation of life . You must love that and work hard . So , if you are not very qualificated , it is impossible to get enough money for living , but you have to waste all your time and power . So , if you want to get enought money , you have to be very qualificated and to devote all your life for circus . You have to start learning , for example , for gumnast , science early childhood. If you do - you will get money fine .
   But what if you not really qualificated ? So , it is possible to work as cleaner , to care for animals , or to be truck's driver . But driver need qualification . Not so difficult , of course .


воскресенье, 4 декабря 2016 г.

4b flying daredevil

1. dream of Chun Mee . Fixed on idea .
2. The road to stardom began. feelings of performance ,Hard road just possible for not faint hearted . Right body .Natural abilities of Chun Mee . 
3.As hard as amazing. 2 sides . Perfect for young . Pain. Show must go on . 

juggler- жонглер
lion tamer- укротитель львов
trapeze artist- акробат
stilt walker- ходящий по жердям 
sword swallower-глотатель мечей
ringmaster -инспектор манежа
tightrope walker- канатоходец
spun- вращаться
stardom- звезды
head-hunted- охота за головами
twirl -вертеть
determined  -определенный
willpower- сила воли
stunts -трюки
effortless- легкий
awe- трепет
entertainers -конферансье
motto-  девиз

вторник, 29 ноября 2016 г.

Festivals in Mongolia

   Did you heared anything about Mongolian festivals and holydays ? As for me , I didnt . Lets explore a part of  such unusual country as Mongolia . 
   Tsagaah Sar (Mongolian Lunar New Year) 
Mongolian New Year is normally celebrated somewhere between the end of January and end of February. The traditional Tsagaan Sar feast includes dairy products, mutton and horse meat, rice with curds, buuz (dumplings) and a ‘mountain’ of cookies stacked high and of course, airag (fermented mare’s milk). Families visit each other to pay their respects and eat mountains of dumplings. Join a family to experience their legendary hospitality and be a part of their community at this time of great festivity. Immerse yourself in the Mongolian culture and experience first hand the ceremonies and customs of this special festival.  Mongolians also spend time preparing their houses and their affairs for the celebrations. Everything is thoroughly cleaned, old or dirty things are swept away.Old quarrels are healed, debts are settled and traditional clothes donned for the three-day festival.
   Khovsgol Ice Festival .  March is witness to the unique Ice Festival at Lake Khovsgol. This time of year offers the rare opportunity of experiencing one of the deepest winters on the planet with temperatures regularly dropping below -35°C. The wind can make even moderate temperatures seem much colder, so this festival is not for the faint hearted! The enchanting ice festival with horse-sled races, ice rally-driving, wrestling, and tug-o-war are all held on the frozen lake which offers the perfect light in the afternoon for those interested in photography. 
   Gobi Camel Festival . The Thousand Camel Festival, held in the Gobi Desert, is a celebration of the endangered Bactrian camel and the role it plays in the lives of the Gobi’s nomads. Camel racing and polo competitions, as well as performances of traditional Mongolian music and dance, are among the highlights of this annual event. Taking in the beautiful scenery of the Gobi Desert with its towering dunes, glacial canyons and red sandstone cliffs; this is the land of the Bactrian camel and is the best time to see them in all their fluffy winter splendour when their coats at their thickest.
   Nauryz (Spring /New Life) Festival . Nauryz is a new year celebration for the Mongolian Kazakhs, many of whom live in the Bayan Ulgii province. Kazakhs call the month of March 'Nauryz' – this is the time of renewed life which comes with the spring.  The non-religious Nauryz celebrations take place on  21-22 March, the day of the spring equinox. People believe the more generous the celebration of Nauryz, the happier the year would be. A time to settle rivalries, upset and debts then fill all vessels in the house with milk, airan (plain yogurt), grain, and spring water to gain good yield, fortune and plenty of rain during the coming year.
   Naadam Festival .Naadam is celebrated every summer throughout Mongolia across every province, in most towns and villages. Local Naadam celebrations are our favourite of the Naadam festivals – none of the queues, crowds and pollution of the big festival in Ulaanbaatar. The atmosphere is fantastic. In traditional dress, the colourful spectators watch competitors take part in the three ‘manly’ sports of archery, wrestling and horse racing. Tradition states that only men will wrestle, men and women can participate in archery and children (some as young as 5) are jockeys for the races up to distances of 35km
   All in all we can be shure , that mongolia is not just cold and windy country . It got amazing traditions and people.              
                        Gobi Camel Festival                              
  Khovsgol Ice Festival 
 Naadam Festival
  Nauryz (Spring /New Life) Festival 

вторник, 22 ноября 2016 г.

Topic module 3.Therapies for soul

   Our soul and body are struggle really often. They struggle because stress , unhealthy way of live , food , and bad ecological conditions . So if you want to stay joyful , high-performance at work and just a human being , you need to fight with a stress and another factors of your surround .  So , im glad to tell you about great ways of therapy for your soul and body .
  First of them is hypnotism . Just imagine .. The lights are dim , and the couch is comfortable , the hypnotist's  voice is monotonus , yet shooting ''Listen and relax , listen and relax" he repeats over and over again . Your breath is slowin , 

вторник, 15 ноября 2016 г.


   I am writing these to tell you ways of making our hospital more pleasant place for children . 

   Place. Hospital should be located in a pleasant national park with pure air and forest . Snowdonia national park is a realy good place . It is close to sea , but it is not too far from cities . It mean , that hospital in Snowdonia will be surrounded by pure air and fores , and have a great seawiew .Patients will be able to walk around .  In these time , it is enough close to the patients . 
   Decor.Hospital should be more friendly and cozy to children . Walls should be painted in different colors . Rooms should include more home furniture instead of white painted iron tables and iron and noisy beds. We should add a toys , because children like toys . It will make hospital looks like a house . 
   Menu.We should add more food like homemade , but it must stay healthy , May be , it is possible to add sweets . 
   To sum up , we can say , that these changes would make children feel more comfortable . 

воскресенье, 30 октября 2016 г.


   There is a common opinion , that gouverment should spend more money for schools sport equipment . Lets look throw all of the opinions and explore , which one is right .
   Firstly , the thing is that Russian schools desnt equiped fine . Thay probably have got enought sport equipment , but most of these are really old . These is just because most of russian schools are old. They were made in Soviet Union. Thats why we schools should organise  collecting money in schools  to buy a new equipment .
   On another hand we have another opinion . It mean , that collecting money in schools is wrong .......

четверг, 27 октября 2016 г.

opinion essay . Exotic pets .

   As you know , there is some fans of exotical pets in our community.  Some of us just love them , but some keep it just like decoration . It is a real problem . Thats why , there is an opinion , that all exotic pets should be banned . Lets explore all of opinions about that.
   The thing is , that some of us , especially rich girls , keep unusual or exotic pets as a decoration . They are just cute and nice . This position mean , that your animal is just a thing , like chair , for example . It mean , that you probably dont love it . In most ways , it mean , that  your pet struggle of less of love or you just forget about it. In most , people cant love crocodile , for example , buit they think , that it is so cool to have a crocodile in a pound in your backyard .
   On another hand , we have another opinion . Banning exotical pets is against people freedom (but protect pets laws) . For example , I realy love crocodiles. Democracy mean respecting laws of all the people . So , banning exotical pets is agains of democracy .
   At third , there is a problem . It mean , that some of exotical pets are dangerouse. For example , crocodiles or snakes . So , it is just too difficult and dangerouse to keep them for you and your neibours.

вторник, 18 октября 2016 г.

opinion essay (to be continued)

   Extreme sports are very popular . Lots and lots of people enjoy it , moreover , it is a meaning of life fo some people . But some people think , that extreme sports are too dangerouse and shold be banned . Lets explore advantages and disadvantages of extreme sports and all of the opinions .
   Firstly , there is an opinion , that mean , that extreme sports are great . So the thing is that extreme sports are sports at first . As we know , sports improve our soul and body . When you do any spotrs , you imroving your power , endurance and skills . Often , if you want to get a result in sport , you should fight with your weakness and scares . You are strongly improve your strenght of will . Im shure , that you have seen an olympic champions . They are one of the strongest people in our world , as mental as physical. It is because of professional sport .
   Secondly , there is an opinion , that mean , that extreme sports are too dangerouse and should be banned . As we know , extreme sports can be dangerouse sometimes . So , the thing is that sport shoul bring hapiness , not danger and scare . Thats why it shoul be banned.
   In conclusion I can say , that i m opposite of banning extreme sports . may be , it is because that I am a great fan of them . The thing is , that if you are scared of it , just dont do it . Please, dont prevent it for me and people who want .

четверг, 13 октября 2016 г.

1st module topic. Modern alternative food recources .

   Nowadays , there is about 7 billions people on our planet . It is qute huge amount . Some of them are poor , some of them are rich , but it doesnt matter , because everyone want to eat . But , unfortunantly  food is not unlimited . It is so difficult to feed all the planet , put there are some ways of solving these problem . 
   One of them if freeganism . So , freeganism is a cimbination of words "free" and "vegan" . These people find an alternative way to meet they everyday needs . So , lots and lots of food and another usefull items are just buried all over the world. Huge part of these are edible . Searching food in rubbish bins sounds disgusting  , and there is a possibility of  food poisoning . So , just how easy is to live like that ?Reporter met up with two london freegans , Ash Falkingham and Ross Parry , for a crash course .So ,  the thing is that they found too enought things to eat in one supermarkets bin . There was nothing wrong with them . They were buried just because of sell by date . To conclude , the head idea of freeganism is not to waste more than you need and not to support globalization . 
   One more way of feeding sounds more disgusting . What do you think about eating insects ? So , these idea isnt new , it is a part of traditional kitchen in some countries . Amazingly , we eat half a kilo of insect each ear with food. By law chocolate can have up to 60 insects parts in it per 100 gramms. Tomato sauce can contain up to 30 fly eggs per 100 gramm. You will probably think twice before tucking into your next bar of chocolate . By the way , insects dont taste terrible . For example , fried crickets have a pleasant nutty taste . Moreover , insects are more healthy than meat . It contain less fat and more protein . So , it seems that insects can beoma a common food in near years . 

вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

                                                                                                                          12th October 2016
   Dear Ben ,
   Thank's a lot for your letter. Sorry I havent recived earlier but I was really busy with my school.
   Well , I'm happy that you moved into new house .
    In your last letter you asked me some quastions about my friends and school . Now im going to answer them. So , my favourite thing is my school is teachers . Because they are  really crazy about their job. It is amazing to work with  them. So, in my school I got lots of friends  , just because I spends so much time here. In free time I usually walk with them or just hang out.
   By the way , did you find any new friends in your new school ? How your new house look like ? Do you already moved all of your items ?
   Now I have to go
   Please write back
   Best wishes , Denis.

вторник, 27 сентября 2016 г.

Creative writing

1. add more Adjectives and adverbs
2. vivid verbs jarkie glagoli
3. compare
4*. not to tell , but show  не испозьзовать to be , сногсшибательный гамбургер .


  As for me , I feels pleasure when I see any antique or just old things of Soviet Union . I doesnt mean that Im crazy about Soviet Union and its history .I just feels a heart warm and respection . The most exciting antique for me are books , cars and special science stuff or electronics. Once , me and my friend was in an abandoned countryhouse . Darkness just allready get down on the land . It was a little bit extremal , because this poor hut was on the territory of recreation center . So , under the cover of darkness, we got inside . After some time inside , we seen an old broken tv in a sheet of led light . It was full of old elecrtonical parts under the dust . Motherboard of it looks like a left city . By the way , Im so young , thats why I havent used it . It is just older than me . In dispite of it , nostalgy and warm came inside me . By the way , we left these TV-grandpa on its native Place . Let it be the part of an atmosphere of these palce .
 One more thing happend with me may be just 2 weeks ago . So , we were in music room in institute . There I found a plastic bag full of papers . I just felt like a scientist , when I was touching them . I these i found a true treasure . It was a book . The date on it was 1985 or something near . So , it was older than me too . These book includes lots and lots of aphorism and some pictures, When I was touching these , I felt farm feelings . May be , it is just old and rusted sheets of paper , but it got its own character .

вторник, 20 сентября 2016 г.


  Hi Tracey!
  I'm really happy that you moved into new flat ! By the way , can you send me some photos of it ? Im just very interested.
  In your las letter you asked me about my home.
  So, i live in a simple block of flats in common city area .  We moved there when I was 2 years old. It is about 4 rooms with nice but a little bit old interior . To be honest , im not really like it , because my room  is a little bit childish. By the way , my neighbours are very noisy . The have kids and like to beat their floor by head .I like living not in city , but near .  Foutunaently , im going to move soon.
  By the way , did you already bought any furniture ? do you like your new neighbours? What is a view from your window ?
  Best wishes, Den.   

вторник, 13 сентября 2016 г.

The pros and cons of living in a block of flats

  Some of us  lives in block of flats  , another part lives in privat houses . In most , it is their choice.
Why thy decided to live in house ?Why they decided to move to the block of flats? Lets look throw all pros and cons of living in both.
   There are actually many good reasons why living in a block of flats is a nice way . In most , blocks of flat often located neat the city center or in city . It means , that there are shops, bus stops and another city infrastructure nearbuy. You can easilly choose the location of flat which you want , because , for examle , there is lots and lots blocks of flat in my city .You can choose flat nearbuy your work or place of education. In addition , living in a block of flat is much cheaper , that in house. It depends on type and location of flat sure.
   On the other hand , there are disadvantages of living in a block of flat. One of them is as positive , as negative . It is men living in city. It is noise , gases and lots of people around. Most of flats have no enought sound isolation from another . You will hear all your neibour's noise. Child , reconstruction , shouts and another. One more disadvantage of living in block of flats is less of space. Big or doublefloored flats are very expencive. Morover , it is impossible to have your private garden or yard.
  As another , we got some problems about houses. The are out of city . So , you need a car . It is expencive to buy or build house and keep it . But , you can have so much place and privacy as you want.
  All in all , there are both pros and cons about living in house or flat. Block of flats is great for part of community , but houses is great for another. As for me , if I had to chose , I will choose living in privat house. Of course , it depends on persons individual needs and wants.

вторник, 6 сентября 2016 г.


  Dear Mary,
  I was glad to get your letter! Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. I just
wasnt at home.
Now im going to answer your quastion about my summer vacation. Firstly , I was
working as a waiter for one month . It was really interesting for me , because it
is my first work experience. By the way , I was living in hotel whole month!
Moreover,I got lots of new ftiends. Next , I went to my friend . He lives in vill
ge near Kusa. It is about 250 km from Chelyabinsk . It was amazing for me to see
a true village and a natural household.We were swimming , walking and helping
his father a lot. After 2 days in village , we started a hiking tour. We were
hiking along the Ai river . Unfourtunaently , we didnt reached our point at neces
sary time.  So , we hiked about 30 hard kilometers throw forest , swamps and river
and we had to turn back. So , we had a night at little island . Next day we hiked
at home . But by road at these time. After 2 days at village we started our rowing
trip. It was great . Ai is wery beautifull river. There is lots of high cliffs.
After some time at city , I went to the wakeboarding camp on Turgoyak lake.
I explored a great new hobby for me and meet lots of new friends.
 So , that was my summer.
What are you going to do at summer ? Are you going to trawel somewhere ? What are
you going to do at the city ? By the way , I really interested how are you at all,
Whats up in your school ?
  Sorry , but I most go now , I have a ticket to the cinema.
  I cant wait to hear from you !
 All the best ,

понедельник, 23 мая 2016 г.

How to be succesful at english

   English is a quite difficult lesson . You shoul work realy good if you want to get good marks and knowledge. Lets look throw some hints and explore , how to be good at english.
   So , one of the most important thing is lazyness . You will not get any good results , if you are just dont know or dont want. So , if you will break lazyness it will be easier to work good.
   Lazyness is a problem , which is easy to idintificate. But sometimes students didnt understand teacher . They starts using internet and copying tasks . Sometimes students just too shy to come and ask teacher for help . However , if you didnt catch something , ask techer or find information by yourselve .
   Finding information by yourselve is a realy great way how to learn more or to learn better . If you want to advance your knowledge you should use video courses . For example , you can easily improve your volcabulary and useful phrases. These words can strongly help your to talk or write wider.
   Initially , English is created for communication . It mean that you should practise and pracise all the time . For example , it is great when you are travelling and talking with people in english. Moreover , you can just talk in english with you classmates , friends or relatives. I thing , the gratest way of practise is international exchange . You just have no choice a language for speaking . You can speak just english . You can even start thinking at english .
   So , if you want to get good results , you should just work good . And remember to practise!

понедельник, 16 мая 2016 г.

integrated topics

   Learning is not just school or university . But would you think about education at home ? Sometimes it can be harder , but it is more sucessful at all. Of course , it is totally connected with your home , conditions and your desire.
   If you want to learn more than you learn in school or imrove your knowledge , video courses is grear way to do that.For example ,  a Khan academy. These idea stated with Salman Khans cousin . Whe was having trouble with math , so she asked him if he could tutor her. Then other people asked him for tutoring . He didnt want to te eaplain the same things over and over again so he suggested creating videos on YouTube. So , he is unusyall tutor because of his chatty syle and drowing and writing all video long . Now , he decided to translate his videos for 10 languages . By the way , I really like video courses. Especially it is great for hobbies . I learns in YouTube the thing like skiing , mtb , programming and DJ'ing. I cant learn most of these things at school . 
   However , if you want to learn something hard or what you dont like at home , you need some speciall conditions . Some people cant work succesfuly when they are working in bedroom . If your bed is like a magnet for you , you should make it up or fold . If it is not enought , just work in another room. The second problem is your phone and computer. There is a want to check your accoun in social networ or start websurfing . So , if you cant control yourselve , just turn it off. One more important thing is air . Your brain will not work good if it is hot or stuffily. Controle this by opening window. Remember , that nothing should divert you .
   But if you want to work in your home city or town , you should choose the job that you are not just like , but which is demand in your city . For example , if you live in Chelyabinsk , it will be easy to start working in any /.....\


понедельник, 25 апреля 2016 г.

Descriptive articles

   Ms Irina Vasilievna is  teacher of Russian and literature in our school. She is very close to our class.
   She is a little bit aged . She's tall with short blond haired . She has a good oficial style and often wears dresses.
  Ms Irina is very erudite and clever. She is very interesting and talkative person .  She is very wise and honest. Moreover , she is very sensible. However , she likes to joke .
  She is great teacher. She is crazy about teaching , but in realy good way . She always asks us to keep silence in class. She is realy ''fights'' for knowledge . Ms Irina always tells the difficult things easy and understandable . She becames happy when all students work good. But she becames a little bit furiouse , when someone talk or make lots of mistakes . However , she is happy to solve problems in knowledge or to answer the questions.  She is a little bit sensetive , and always upsets , when someone doesnt make a homework .
   All in all , I realy likes as lessons with Irina Vasilievna , as just talking.  Im sure we will always have good cooperation.

четверг, 21 апреля 2016 г.

Topic module 5

   Studying is ourt life . Studying is a progress . It will be never stopped . People always want to learn something new . May be for making life better , may be just for developing your mind . However , there is a Russina saying (поговорка ) " Век живи , век учись " which mean live a century and learn a century .
   I realy like informal education . Especially , when you can easilly express your point of view or talk with teacher about something interesting . By the way , dialogue is a great thing to break your shyness as well as public speech . For example , The Duke of Edinburghs . The The Duke of Edinburghs , which also called D of E , is a very well known and popular youth programme in the UK that aims to help young people in age from fourteen to twenty four to reach their full potential . It gives young people the chance to develop their characters and their life skills . It started as a small programme for boys in 1956 by the Duke of Edinburgh. Today thousands of young people from different backgrounds are participaing in the D of E. Participants have to take part in activities in four areas . Volunteering , which could mean volunteering at an animal rescue centre or working in a charity shop for six month . Phusical , which mean getting a certificate in parachuting or flamenco dancing .  Skills , which mean jewelerry making , first aid or cookery course . Expedition , which could be planning a rowing trip down the Danude in Germany . I think it is great school of life .
   But what about school ? So there is a common situation , when students sisnt understand the teacher and material. There is a great way of solving these problem . It is a Khan academy. These idea stated with Salman Khans cousin . Whe was having trouble with math , so she asked him if he could tutor her. Then other people asked him for tutoring . He didnt want to te eaplain the same things over and over again so he suggested creating videos on YouTube. So , he is unusyall tutor because of his chatty syle and drowing and writing all video long . Now , he decided to translate his videos for 10 languages . By the way , I really like video courses.
   In conclusion we can say that learning can be interesting . Keep learning and ou will get success.

понедельник, 29 февраля 2016 г.

Module 4

   There is lots of mysteriouse things in our world. Some of them are creepy , some of them are exciting , but all of them are not explored enough. Moreover , we cant say , where is the truth .
   Rosewell event is very contradictory . There are some facts and eye witness , but there is lots of secret materials . Or it can be just fabricated hoax . Howewer , people made lots of interesting things , based on these incedent . It is cafes , hotels , shops and ever museum. You can spend your holidays there and have fun.
   Our world is learned not at all. Especially wildlife . There is lots of animals , whose being is not confirmed . Moreover , there are special science , cryptozoology , ang scientists , cryptozoologists . One of the most famouse cryptozoologists is Loren Coleman . In addition , he is museum owner . He started cryptozoology when he was twelwe years old , after watching a film about yeti . Cryptozoology is definitely Lorens life. May be , he will make a great jump for world science.
   So , cryptids and aliens can be true or just hoax , but what is ghosts ? They are quite common for some places , but we cant actually say , what is ghosts. There is lots of eye witness , for example , in the Tower of London or another old places like that . I think , we should explore these things . May be , it is one more form of life .
   All our life is exploraion and science . Science makes our life safe , pure and possible at all. We should explore all mysteriouse or unknown things . Who knows , may be our life will became better if gouverment will care more about science , scientists , universities . Especially for not very popular sciences like cryptozoology . So , learn about new thing all the time .


суббота, 20 февраля 2016 г.

opinion essay "Online practice"

   Online english (or another lesson) practic emean , that you practise by computer and web platform . It is new idea for education . Lets explore all for and against .
   The first advantage of online practise is flexibility . You can choose any platform . You can keep practise in one or mix it. Moreover , there is possibility of monitoring . You and your teacher can see your skills and progress. 
   In the other hand , we have seriouse , but the only , in my opinion , problem . It is closly connected with computer and internet .Working for a long time can cause problems with eyes , head or joints . But I think that it is solvable . You should just make small pauses . One more disadvantage is the lack of computer or internet . But , most of students have computers in family nowadays. 
  Great advantage of online practice is self education . You can add everything in your program and check everything .
   In my opinion ,we should practise online and promote these type of practice . It can up your level of knowledge  or show problems for free. 

четверг, 18 февраля 2016 г.

3rd module topic

   Our wourld is both ugly and beautiful. There is lots of terrible problems there , and most of them were created by human.There is social , political and ecological problems . 
   Disrespection is one of the most important social problems. It makes the situation of old , poor or disabled people much worse .I heared about a social experiment . It was turning 25years old women into an 80 years old lady . It was lots of prosthetic make - up and shabby clothes . So , these women became invisible . It was hard to make a small talk and to communicate with people at all. One more experiment was about turning in a homeless man. Result of these was eye-opening . It is hard just to do common things. You have no bed , good food , toilet and any necessary clothes . You just cant find job and get out of the streets without ID. Moreover , you are not just invisible . You are realy appalling for people around you . 
   ''Before you abuse , criticise and accuse , walk a mile in my shoes " And remember , that you can easily became old , disabled or homeless. If you CAN help people , you SHOULD help. 
   Poverty can cause lots of problems. Illiteracy is one of them . For example , lots of students cant get education in India , because there are not enough schools. These problem is terrible, because it is very difficult to get good work and make up your future without any simple knowledge . But , these problem is solving nowadays. There are volunteers and makeshift school . But it is not enough to solve illiteracy at all. 
   It's soo poor . But not all sides of our wourld are so terrible. We have since , culture and nature . For example, developing technologies like colonisation of space , 3d printing , growin up more food and alternative energy will save us and make our live pure , I believe . We shoul stop political games , wars and all of the conflicts to collect power of all countries and think about our future and being at all. 

суббота, 13 февраля 2016 г.

Introduction to nouns

    Noun is one of the most important part of the speach . It can mean person , place , thing, idea, dream. Remember , that words like ''he'' "she" "it" "there " are not nouns . It is pronouns . Dreams and ideas are noun , because it can be a thing , which in not real at the moment . 

понедельник, 25 января 2016 г.

Book review

  Lord of the rings , by the John Tolkin is one of the books in the popular "Hobbit" series. It is fantasy novel which tells us about the story of the Bilbo Baggins. 
  The story begins in Hobbittown . Frodo Baggins , an old hobbit , which gives a magic ring to his nephew , Bilbo Baggins. After some time , a magician Gendalf tells him , about the danger of ring . Together , with Bilbo's friends and Gendalf they makes a decision to destroy a ring and to start journey to the Rivendell , to ask elfs for help. After the assembly of nations , they starts their long , dangerouse and exciting journey to Mordor , to destroy the ring in volcanic lava 

понедельник, 18 января 2016 г.

Opinion essay

   Nowadays , the number of cars in our world is rising . For example , 37percents of people our country got a car . Moreover , some of families have got 2 cars . It is great , but cars are the best producers of air pollution. It causing seriouse enviromental problems. There are lots of ways , how to reduce the lelev of air pollution , but one of them are cheap and very strong . it is "Banning all private transport " .
   Firstly , banning private transport could reduce level of harmful gases and global warming . Our cities would be healther without treams of traffics . It will be quiter , cleaner , safer and more comfortable .
   Also , we would be safer. It would be less road accidents , because it would be less drivers on the road . Moreover , traveling on train or subway can be much faster , than traveling on a car .
   On the other hand . some people argue , that a total ban of private transports is impossible , without a great sustem of public transport . The are right , because private transport , especially in our country , should be perfect for the possibility of banning cars .
   All things considered , banning private transport is a great way to make our cities better . But we need to make a great job . 

понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

My New Year holiday

   I want to tell you about my winter holidays . It was good in these year . First , I was at home , next, I met a New Year with my family and , finaly , I was in a camp from 3 to 10 of January.
   After the school I was at home. I was just having a rest , sleeping , reading , playing computer games and having a good time with my family. It was very and very lazy time , but I was need these kind of rest , because I usually have no spend so much time at home with my family.
  Meeting of the New Year was very cozy and comfortable. At first , me and my parents picked up my sister and grandmother . We gone to the Revolution square to see ice figures , christmas tree , illumination and just for walk. Unfourtunaently , it was very сhilly and we have no walked so much . After that , we drove at home . There we were  just talking , eating , watching new year TV programs . So , We just had good time with close relatives. Next , we watched a New Year speach of our presidents . I realy like these New Year meeting.
   At 3rd of January I came to the camp . It was skiing and english camp "4Ucamp" in Bannoe , Magnitogorsk. It was very good campleaders , teachers and lost of cool guys there .I made a lots of new friends there . I realy like all of lessons and events. Especially , I enjoyed skiing , because Bannoe is very good place  for it . 
   I enjoyed these winter holidays . I spended time with my family and in a great camp . Moreover , now I have a new friends.  So , I had a rest .